Oga's Cantina at Hollywood Studios Galaxy's Edge has vegan friendly drinks! Let your bartender know you are vegan, and an allergy specialist will come help you navigate the menu.
We ended up ordering the following:
Fuzzy Tauntaun
Ketel One Botanical Peach & Orange Vodka, Bols Peach Schnapps Liqueur, Orange Juice with Tangerine, Pure Cane Sugar, and 'Buzz Button Tingling' Foam
Dagobah Slug Slinger
Herradura Reposado Tequila, Bols Blue Curaçao Liqueur, Citrus Juices, Ginger, Herbs, and Bitters
Both were delicious, but my favorite was Fuzzy Tauntaun. 🙂
This place is so much fun and a must for Star Wars fans!