Keeping alpacas on small acreage requires responsible ownership, correct management and regular maintenance.
While alpacas can make great pets, they are still livestock, they need room to move and other alpacas for companionship. That is why they are called herd animals. 🦙🦙🦙
A pet alpaca cost will vary dependent on various aspects. Ask questions, know what the price includes. Be wary of buying cheap, you may be buying a problem animal. Usually the cost is gauged on what you are getting. Make phone calls, check facts, be informed and know what you want.
-Huacaya or Suri?
-Colour and Age?
-Halter trained and friendly?
-Show, breed or fleece quality?
-Do they have odd quirks, like escaping?
Do your research, look for reputable breeders 😇
Larger breeders tend to be good sources for purchase, simply because the genetics are sound and health is monitored as part of their breeding program. However they may not be handled as well depending on age and history.
A cute bottle fed cria may be so sweet and irresistible but MIGHT pose more serious problems later in life when they do not know how to be an alpaca and can become dangerous towards people.
ASK lots of questions. There’s no such thing as a dumb question.🧐
In their native environment, the high plains of Peru, alpacas graze great open spaces in herds of huge numbers.
•They learn herd etiquette from their maternal and social groups.
•Alpacas are flight animals. Their instinct tells them to run fast from danger.
•Trees and shelter provide protection from sun, rain and cold winds.
•Water is usually cool and fresh.
•Their toenails are worn down with constantly being on the move.
•They seek out different nutrients in differing grasses, herbs and roughage. Thus keeping their health in check and their teeth in relatively good condition, through correct foraging.
•They remain fit by running (really fast when they have space), pronking (their happy dance😂) and play fighting with each other.
•Within the herd they rely on each other to have a lookout while others rest. The reason why two alpacas are an absolute minimum.
•Great open spaces also allow females to escape the amorous antics of the males.
•Also with space, they are not forced to eat the grass where they p**p.
Management requirements from owners means you MUST provide the following for their needs at all times:
•Be wary of keeping mature wethers with females. Generally only keep same s*x groups together.
•Small paddocks pose the difficulty of lack of growing grass. Either in summer when it turns to dust or in winter when the mud takes over. And if the manure is not collected the grass eating area will be further reduced, and worm burdens increased.
•Insufficient grazing grass means hard feed must be provided. Correct proportions of both high protein feeds and particularly roughage should be accessible at all times. Alpacas are ruminants, their stomachs should be constantly working. So basically, when not eating, they are either walking/playing, chewing their cud or sleeping. Oh, and watching for danger at all times.
•Dogs are the predator of alpacas. Most small farms have dogs. It is up to you to provide protection from them.
•Rotating paddocks for parasite control may not be an option so careful monitoring through regular faecal samples is advised, together with cleaning up of poo piles.
•Water has to be monitored for freshness. If you wouldn’t drink it, it’s likely they won’t either.
•Fencing should be safe and secure, preferably with no barbed wire. Consider areas that will wear and where gates should be. For instance not at the bottom of a hill where the mud may be dreadful in winter 🥾 🥾Use sensible latches on gates that work.
•A small catch pen is necessary for husbandry tasks. A few gates work well. Feed them in there so you can catch them when you need to.😉
•Shelter from the elements is essential. Sheds are a luxury and not entirely necessary. You can provide shade and protection from cold winds in the form of trees and shelter belt style shrubs.
•Manners are learnt initially from their herd. Human taming of alpacas is important when kept as pets in order to maintain regular health checks. Match the interaction with your alpaca to your expectations from them. For instance halter walks should be regular to keep your alpaca extra friendly. If we only patted our pet dog once a week I suspect he would not be the great pet we want and expect, same goes for alpacas.
•Gear (buckets, alpaca halters, etc) can be purchased online or from your local feed store.
•Yearly shearing of both Huacayas and Suris should be booked well in advance (like a year in advance, yes really😬). Shearing is usually done in spring or early summer. Depending on service required and travel costs your shearing will cost in the vicinity of $20-$50 per alpaca plus shearer's travel costs. Generally smaller herds will have increased costs per head to cover shearer’s time.
•Regular health checks (usually every month) include looking them over for injury. Health checks include: knowing their weight through body scoring method, checking their eyes, ears, teeth etc, trimming their toenails with a pair of secateurs. Keep good records, you will refer back to them, I promise.
•Provide yearly vaccinations. Your shearer may provide this service or you could arrange with your breeder for a regular visit most probably at a cost.
•Worm drenches and vitamin/mineral supplements should be administered when required.
•Vitamin D injections are required through the darker months of the year.
•Watch their everyday behaviour - it will alert you to something out of the ordinary and help you to care for alpacas as a responsible owner.
•Get to know a local vet - ask if they are familiar with camelids.
•Join some alpaca related groups. Your local alpaca association region is a good place to start. The Australian Alpaca Association has links to all regional groups in Australia.
There are also great events on from time to time. Come and see 👋
•Find a mentor. This is most usually whoever you purchased your alpacas from. Good aftercare and support should definitely come with the sale.
Alpacas absolutely make the best pets.
Quietly humming as as they graze they instill a real peace around them.
And better than that, they each have a remarkable personality all their own.
You will love your interactions with these inquisitive, beautiful animals.
More info: Australian Alpaca Association https://alpaca.asn.au/farming-alpacas/
Original content provided by AAA member Chakana Blue Suri Alpaca, Victoria.
Photo by AAA member Lemarli Alpacas, Victoria.