Do you or know anyone who own restaurants who would want assistance in creating a vegan menu, to meet the needs of about 1.6 million vegans (and rising) within the United States?
Are you planning an event (workshop, retreat, small wedding, party, etc.) soon and have a lot of vegan friends, and want to create vegan options?
Do you want your event to be 100% plant based, but you have too much on your plate? (no pun intended!)
Do you want to host a cooking class in your home or do you want to know the basics on becoming plant based yourself?
I am opening my doors to endeavors such as these and so much more with Wandering Warrior Eats! If any of these things are something that you are looking to do or you just want more information, message me or e-mail me : [email protected]
No matter how fast I ran, my purpose always catches up with me! I traveled across the country where I knew practically no one, only to find myself in the same place that I started. I ended up cooking in random kitchens, Gatherings, Retreats for friends, the homefree, people on the streets, anarchists, hippies, Christians and I [and whomever I was with] would find a way to create a meal. Sometimes that looked like rescuing food to cook a meal for the holiday to feed the houseless, sometimes strangers donated food out of the kindness of their heart to feed our traveling family!
My long term goal is to get a vehicle and to tow a commercial kitchen behind where I can both sell food and feed the less fortunate (they could be more fortunate for all I know ;)
I want to use the money accumulated on this endeavor to build up our homes, like Interwoven and Sage Valley!
The traveling tribe has been talking about creating sustainable hubs that we can continue to build as we travel and have a more sustainable way to go about traveling and giving back to Mother along the way!
The things I have notices that most place need is
a. HANDS!! and
b. Money...
I want to be a source of both those things! Be able to stretch further with another vehicle and networking within retreats and events that I will be cooking at, to expand and bring awareness to the movement we have been fueling!
I am so blessed to have found my way to this moment right here!! I am so blessed to cross paths with you!