And that is a wrap on the 2024 season! Here is our “Spotify Wrapped” freezer beef addition!
We have had a fantastic year and truly pride ourselves on giving you quality product. What you invest in our business, we invest in our cows - thus investing in YOU and your product!
If you were part of our 2024(and years before, too,), THANK YOU. We wouldn’t be here without y’all. Happy New Year from all of us here at Blue Ridge Cattle Co. ❤️🎉🥳🥩
Average Live Weight: 1311.7lbs
Average Hanging Weight: 861.5lbs
Average Dress Percentage: 65.65%
Average Beef Produced Per Whole Carcass: 566.08lbs
New Followers: 928
#sweetgrownalabama #barn2door #VeteranOwned #supportsmallbusinessowners #shoplocal #buylocal #bamabeef #2024recap #2024wrapped
Does a whole cow fit into the back of a Kia Telluride?
We will be at Mae’s Market in Addison, AL THIS SATURDAY May 25th, 2024 from 8am-2pm with BEEF!! We’d love to see you there and have you visit with us and the other vendors. The perfect compliment to this Memorial Day Weekend!!
#SweetGrownAlabama #BamaBeef #Market #SupportLocal #BuyLocal #VeteranOwned
Beef and Pork Availability! 🥩🐖
We have beef and pork updates for ya! Our products are the perfect complimentary item to an AWESOME summer. Let us help you get set up! ALSO to correct myself: I misspoke in the video - it is $3.00 per lb, not $3.30!! I apologize. 🙂
#SweetGrownAlabama #BamaBeef #BamaPork #SupportLocal #Local #VeteranOwned
Are cows ticklish? We didn’t quite find and answer to that one but we’ll get back to ya on that. 😂 #FarmThings #Fun #funonthefarm #havingfuntogether❤️ #havingfunwhileworking #farmingfeedsalabama #SweetGrownAlabama
We still have boxes of beef cuts available for presale! These will be ready in May. We haven’t ever ventured out of our bulk purchase options until now. We have heard your requests to have smaller quantities available for purchase and we want our product to be accessible to everyone.
If beef boxes aren’t something that is successful, we probably won’t offer it again in the future and will stick with bulk sale only. We would be honored to have you try our products because we are very passionate about giving you quality beef.🙂🥩
Link below:
It’s weigh day here for the feeder pen calves! We take great care in managing these animals. It is important to be hands on with them and know their current health and physical status, how they’re growing and what feeding program they need to fall under. We have a few variations of feed that we feed out depending on where they are in this cycle. (Starter feed, grower feed, etc.) Shop our storefront! Link: /// also available to click into the storefront via our page. 🙂🥩...#Cattle #WorkingCattle #FeederCattle #Beef #ALBeef #SweetGrownAlabama #CullmanAL
It’s getting cold in Alabama the next few days so come along with us while we get the livestock ready to weather the cold! Check out the full video on our page. 🙂
#farmingfeedsalabama #eatbeef #beef #cold #coldweather #cullmanalabama
Blue Ridge Arctic Freeze Team 🥶
It’s getting cold in Alabama the next few days so come along with us while we get the livestock ready to weather the cold!
(We are re-uploading this video as the first time it posted it cut almost all of it out. 😬)
#farmingfeedsalabama #eatbeef #beef #cold #coldweather #cullmanalabama