If you believe in our mission--growing food that we give to local food pantries, creating meaningful outdoor opportunities that get folks outside, and teaching classes and skills that help folks grow--we ask for your support at this critical time in the life and launch of our organization, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational farm.
Folks, Bushelcraft Farm has great things to look forward to! We are joining a larger effort through grant funding to start raising native trees and hiring young folks to learn the skills of raising trees and considering careers related to forestry and tree care. It's very exciting!
But before we high school interns, we have bills to pay that cannot be paid from grant funding and need to build up reserves of $5000 or more to start. Please consider giving a donation today online or by mail. We know many folks in the community want us to succeed, and we know the support is out there to help us succeed. Thanks for all your support already, and please help us spread the word! Small or large gifts are appreciated, even monthly pledges if you prefer. www.bushelcraftfarm.org/donate