These heifers will spend 8 hours daily chewing their cud, indicating they are relaxed, comfortable and eating a healthy diet of fiber (grass). Cud chewing produces a lot of saliva, which acts as a natural antacid and promotes a healthy ruminant digestive system.
Our calves rate their breakfast experience at Southern Cross Farm as five stars and in a few months consumers will rate their steaks as five stars!
Cows require salt in their diets, and it provides a good way to add less tasty required minerals and medications. Our minerals contain an ingredient to prevent fly eggs from developing in the manure, lessening the insecticides needed on the cows.
Cows are amazing- the bacteria in their forestomach convert this renewable resource (grass!) into calories for the cow. These mature cows are producing milk so that their two month old calves are gaining over 3 lbs of weight every day now during peak milk production!
The rain and cool weather has spurred the growth of clover in our pastures. The cows will search to graze the clover, as it is high in protein, and allows us to be sustainable and not purchase protein supplements for the mature cows.
Cheap fix to providing cattle clean water from a stream or pond. A $35 12 volt battery powered marine bilge pump ordered from Our stream is fenced off from the cows, and the weeds and sage grass along the steam provide cover and food for wildlife. Low water pressure, so the hose has to enter above the water surface.