Hello everyone! Our first three bags of Pink Oysters are nearly ready for harvest. We will be selling them tomorrow (Monday July 30th) at the farm located at 1225 Flag Branch Rd. Greeneville, TN from 12:00 P.M. to 6:30 P.M., and when you get here pull into the pasture entrance located near the sign. Due to the unpredictability of weights for each harvest, our first few harvests will be first come first serve although preorders will be available in the near future. We can accept cash, major credit cards with Square, CashApp, Apple Cash, or PayPal. These mushrooms have a short shelf life (3-4 days refrigerated in brown paper bag or open Tupperware with damp paper towel on top), so if you want them come get them and enjoy them relatively quickly! The price is $15/ half pound and $28/ pound. We are expecting approximately 6 pounds in this first flush, so come early if you don’t want to miss out! If you do, don’t worry, there will be more to come by the end of the week as well as Golden Oysters on the way. We will post as soon as we sell out, so please keep your eyes peeled for any updates throughout the day! If you don’t see the update about selling out we will be happy to answer any questions you have if you do show up. We will see you tomorrow, and hope you enjoy the kindness we have cultivated 🍄 😃