Taranis Late season flight
On my way to customer meeting. Saw a pickup truck by one of his fields. Stopped to check it out. It was our friends Taranis doing our late season flights. One last flight, in corn we are doing tassle counts for population counts to do accurate yield estimates for our Global Ag Risk Solutions customers. Shared some images with other customers and they are so impressed with the actionable results. #SeeMapManage it!
Nice when all 6 monitors to download are sitting so close. Able to jump between cabs and keep the thumb drives moving. #SeeMapManage it
The calvary coming after more soil sample bags. #SeeMapManage it
Flying fields to stay ahead of scouts. We bring this image on to iPad to scout by. AgEagle Aerial Systems, DTN/The Progressive Farmer. See it. Map it. Manage it.
Variable Rate Nitrogen, See it. Map it. Manage it. Adapt-N, Veris Technologies, Inc.
This week talking about Insect trapping and scouting
With all the rain, and a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Jennifer and I decided to fly a little wheat. AgEagle Aerial Systems, See it, Map it, Manage it.
Getting Drone images today for my Huntington University Ag Class on Monday. Have rain in forecast, so thinking ahead. Keith Eller decided he could try his hand at flying, not too bad for 78!
Out on our Sunday evening “hot” date with Jennifer. Trying to get her in front of the camera instead of behind it, no such luck.
Out for an evening of catching up with Jennifer. She had not see this one fly yet. Then we walked some beans. Gives new meaning to a “hot” date!
Want to overlay the flight map & a Topo map to see if issues are related to elevation and water movement, like it appears on the ground.
Beautiful day for flying and scouting. Trying to see how beans are reacting per management zone / soil type to being water logged. What level of stress is there. Should be cool. Veris Technologies, Inc.AgEagle Aerial Systems
Not the best video, hard to watch a couple things all at same time. Kept flight short, planes in area spraying wheat. Flow several flight, it was successful! Thanks Botlink and AgEagle Aerial Systems
Helping Patriot Ag Air LLC today fly on cover crop. Keep getting strange looks when I ask to fly next trip (ha ha). Hopefully soil is dry enough tomorrow to re-start running Veris Technologies, Inc.
Some quality family time flying tonight. Thanks AgEagle Aerial Systems and Botlink for making look so easy. Trevor did a good job recording it too.
Emma practicing how to drive Bucky so she can soil sample! Ok maybe, she just wanted to have fun on a very nice day.