A hen's happy place: fresh straw in a clean coop!
A hen's happy place: fresh straw in a clean coop! ❤️🐔🥰
How do you say good morning in chicken? 🥰🐔
How do you say good morning in chicken? 🥰🐔
Tree planting is underway!
Tree planting is underway! 🌳 Can you guess how many trees we're planting this year? (Hint: it's more than 10)
They grow up so fast!
They grow up so fast! 😍 Fun fact: did you know chickens have the ability to recognize and remember around 100 different faces? (Humans and other chickens included!)
Baby season
Did you know lambs can walk just mere minutes after they are born? Pretty cool considering it takes us humans months to learn walking. 😁🐑
Babies on the farm.
Babies on the farm. 😍 They are so cute. Do you know how long it takes for a chick to mature? These little guys won't be so small in about 18 weeks. And we'll see their feathers in about 5. 😌
Have you ever seen a hen take a dust bath? 🐔🛁 They do this to stay free of mites and it keeps their feathers in pristine condition.
Breakfast 😁
New Year goal: eat more hay than all my friends. 🐑🐑🐑
What's your New Year goal?
Morning chores 🥰
Unfortunately, our Chickens won’t sleep in on the weekends no matter how many times we’ve politely asked. 😆🥚Saturday morning chores begin with the sunrise and our chickens are so happy to be outside!
There were some pretty good guesses yesterday to our question: "about how many bales of hay will our 16 sheep eat through the winter?"
We’ve estimated they may consume around 215 bales by the end of March!
The daily chicken release!
More eggs on the way Galesburg!
70 more chicks to add
to our flock. Brings us up to over 300. Thanks Galesburg for buying all our eggs!!! More on the way.