One of our broody hens latched onto the goose egg nest . . . These guys are cute for about a week, which is why they're not staying here but will be going to another farm. One pair of geese is all we need 🤣🪿
#knowyourfarmer #areyoumymother
The only critters around here happier than chickens on fresh pasture . . . Guard geese with a fresh water pan 😁
#knowyourfarmer #happygeese #farmfresheggs
Strawberries in a month 😍
Staying home today and making chicken broth from the backs and bones from this year's meat birds to help heat the house on this cold windy December day.
Mother hen with chick!
In the last couple of years we've managed to acquire a trio of hens all the same, unfamiliar breed, that go tremendously broody every summer. It is not our favorite way to get new hens, the resulting chicks tend to be kinda feral and lay their eggs all over the place. But like anything else, it's hard to resist watching the babies.
Seeing them wander the yard always makes me think of the verse:
"How often I’ve longed to gather your children,
gather your children like a hen,
Her brood safe under her wings—
but you refused and turned away!"
Luke 13:33 MSG
Freedom Rangers foraging
Why we get our meat birds on grass as soon as they're feathered out . . . They love to forage! This video was captured about a minute after the chicken tractor was moved to new grass patch. They really go after the grass flowers and seed heads that are forming this time of year, as well as bugs and worms.
Yum for them equals yum for us on down the line 😉
This morning I planted sweet corn with the help of this little fluffy gosling. Our female goose made a huge nest, 2 broody chickens incubated the eggs and this is the only that survived hatching. 🐣❤️
Boiling down sap for maple syrup.
Boiling down sap for maple syrup.