Another Full Cord delivered. We are now out of all processed firewood! Thanks to everyone for the support and your continued business! #feasterfarmsfirewood #gotwood #veteranownedsmallbusiness🇺🇲
Our #feasterfarmskitties are ready for Labor Day, are you?
Needs firewood or smoking woods for your Labor Day activities?
$50 Discount Bins (pickup only)
$80 Tote (face cord/truck load) Delivery Available
Self Service Wood Stand with $20 Stacks (pickup only)
Cherry, Hickory, Pecan & Oak Smoking Woods $20 bundles or $150 for Tote (contact for more details)
Boiler Wood 16ft Dump Trailer Full for $225 Delivery Available
Veteran Owned and Operated located near Jellystone and Ridinger Lake (see image for location).
Looking for specific species, cuts or anything give us a call at 574-334-9254 or visit our website at
Making progress in the wood yard! Contact us for all of your wood needs, camping, home heating, boiler, smoking and more.
Delivery available.
Call or text 5743349254 or visit our website at
This tree challenged the whole crew but we got it down! Great job @g&s! #feasterfarms
The Farm Kitties are almost 8 weeks old and ready to go to their new homes! We have TWO AVAILABLE, both are black. One is male and one is female and they are spayed/neutered. If you are interested in Adopting a Farm Kittie please contact us. #feasterfarms #feasterfarmskitties
The Farm Kitties have a new hiding spot 😂 #feasterfarms #feasterfarmskitties
It’s Kitty time at Feaster Farms! How cute. If you know anyone interested in adopting please let us know. #feasterfarms #feasterfarmskitties
It’s rainy and dreary today on the farm but we have the farm kitties to keep us entertained! #feasterfarms #feasterfarmskitties