Update on Calves
Auggie and Amos are growing. We seem to be through the worst and Amos is getting stronger by the day! #kochsback40farm
Mabel Birthing Video
The calf has arrived! Welcome baby bull, Auggie. (God bless my son who caught it on video) #dairyfarm #dairycows
Review of our new Melasty milker
Review of our new Melasty milker from Mitty Dairy Supply.
@mittydairysupply #kochsback40farm #homestead #dairycows
#mabel #dairyfarm #calving #kochsback40farm
Honey harvest underway. Brian was spinning out frames while I was finishing putting up tonight’s milking. Our kitchen was our promised land of milk and honey this evening. Giving thanks to Father God for making it all possible. ❤️❤️🐝🐮💒
Cow Calling
Spring has sprung so the girls have access to their upper pasture. Calling them in for evening milking never gets old. ❤️🐮
Halter training
Freyja got out of her nursery stall today and stretched her legs while learning how to behave on a halter. She is a smart little girl!
#homesteadlife #dairycow #haltertraining
Makin’ Bacon
WooHoo! Raised, butchered, cured, and sliced our own bacon!
Freyja is a Bucket Calf!
Oh happy day!!! Look who learned to drink milk from a bucket like a big girl👏🙌🎉. Honestly, with that milk beard, she should be the new “Got Milk” poster child!
Who knew I could love cows this much!!! What sweet girls I have. #dairycows #lovecows #FarmLife
Frolicking at 16 hours old! She’s awesome!
Welcome, baby Freyja!!! She looks like her daddy with long legs like her mama. Super healthy and strong. Fiona is an amazing mama. What a blessing. I love this farm life!!!!
Baby watch continues…getting close!
Fiona showing signs of a calf coming soon.
Cheesy Saturday
When you decide to empty your milk fridge and make three types of cheese and butter and caramel. Kitchens suffer.