9 DAYS UNTIL OUR DUE DATE! 😍 For a little fun, lets all take a guess at when she will calve and if you think it will be a heifer/bull! My guess: 9/12 Heifer!
Told Levi to get his shoes on because we have farm work to do… He better lock those into 4x4. Big news though, were bringing home the Jerseys! This means we are one step closer to having fresh milk again. 😍 Bring on the new babies!!
Our big beefy boys go to the processor in one week! I think there is a lot of small farms that follow this page, so I will say this..
We rented pasture and fed grain the whole time. Next round of beef we grow, I wont feed grain the whole time. Its super expensive and not really “profitable” in the end when you only have two. And were not really money focused but more health focused, so feeding grain the whole time just doesnt make sense.
I think were going to keep one whole steer for ourselves. This should be one years worth of beef for our family of four! All in all, we will do it again because there is a lot of peace in knowing what went into your meat. But definitely have to change some things up so it makes more sense for us.🥩
After we pay processing fees, ill give everyone a cost analysis!
Some see weeds, some see nutrition. Depends on your perspective. Happy Earth Day. 🌎
Lots of customers ask me if the cream on top of fresh milk can be used in a recipe that calls for heavy cream. My answer? Yes! Thats exactly what is on top of your milk. The longer cream sits, the thicker or “heavier” it gets.
Its officially that time of the year where I have to ask Annie multiple times a day to please take the animal back outside… #lifewithAnnie
We have our newest “vendor” in the milkroom!
Im being a “tough” mom and I want most of her orders to be placed in person or on the phone. But she has been BEGGING for a long time to sell something in the milkroom. So today she put her first ever item in the milkroom: Double Chocolate Sourdough Muffins!
This is a great opportunity for her to learn communication, finances and self discipline. She even has to pay back her start up costs to her parents. 🤣❤️
Everyone: “You have to milk cows twice a day?! That must be terrible.” *me on the way to milk cows*
Whats it like having a calf around while youre trying to milk? Exactly like having a toddler around. 🫠🥴
Homemade butter is easy! First it turns to whipped cream, then it breaks into butter. Rinse it good and store in the fridge. 🧈
You know what is a good way to start your day? An early morning dance party with the kids! I’ll always stop farm chores for the Cha Cha Slide. 💃 🪩
My 6 year old is my new Social Media Manager. Also, how many times does my 2 year old say “mom” in this video? This is real life homesteading for you. 😅 Not some pretty IG worthy video!
Heres a little peak into processing milk. We weigh how much each cow produced, transfer all milk into the bulk tank, seperate some for the calves, filter & jar the rest for human consumption. ❤️ Also, i’d love to start creating more videos but NOT tech savy. Anyone good with creating content?
When SunStone Orchard & Rabbitry says she perfected the ice cream recipe, she isnt joking. 🤤 You just cant beat homemade food with ingredients from the farm!