Cornbread and cane syrup on the rise.
Got cookies and tomato plants for the market this morning. Also lettuce and parsley. 😊
We have a few more syrup cookings this season. Follow our page to find out when. Gotta be a sunny day. #canesyrup
Having some weather lately.
Frost predicted. Gotta cover the taters!
potato not tomato
Herman has switched his allegiance from tomato to potato. No staking, fewer pests, still delicious. They don't make much of a sandwich though.
Fish and chips are his life. Compost rules.
We are at Tallahassee Farmers Market today. With syrup and citrus and apples.
Cane Syrup season
Batch number 4 is finally in the kettle and just about to roll.
Potatoes and Roselle plants today at Tallahassee Farmers Market. 8-12
Tomato plants coming along.